Whole + Architects & Planners|十禾建築師事務所 
Whole + Architects & Planners is a fresh team that presents a young Taiwanese architectural design and planning firm with the Dutch experience. In Whole + Architects & Planners are assembled the experience, reliability and innovative professionalism of Whole + Architects & Planners in the field of urban planning and landscape design, the freshness of the new generation is represented by Sheng-Ming Wu and the reliability and specific Taiwanese knowledge with our working partners.
The team as a whole represents a wealth of planning, urban revitalisation and landscape and architecture design experience. An in-depth experience and knowledge has been acquired through many regeneration commissions. Through its network the team has an enormous potential in consultants in diverse fields at its disposal.
​​​​​​​吳 聲明 主持建築師
2002年畢業於淡江大學建築系學士,2007年於荷蘭貝拉赫建築學院取得建築與都市碩士學位後,至英國諾曼 ∙ 福斯特建築師事務所擔任建築師,曾參與英國倫敦帝國理工學院建築規劃設計、MASDAR阿布達比零碳城市規劃設計等。2010年在台北成立了十禾建築師事務所並任教於淡江大學建築系至今。
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